Sheryl Sandberg has expressed her support for the thousands of women in Iran risking arrest to protest against enforced hijab and other repressive laws.
Addressing women in Iran, Sandberg said: “I want all of the amazing women on the My Stealthy Freedom Page to know how much we all support you, how much women around the world are cheering for you, how much we all want to live in a world where every single woman has civil rights, civil liberties, opportunities to live as she wants to live, and the sisterhood that we all of us have together around the world.”
Facebook's chief operating officer met with the Iranian journalist and campaigner Masih Alinejad at Facebook’s Women’s Leadership Day event on 14 January, where Ms Alinejad spoke to 3,000 women attending the event about her ‘My Stealthy Freedom’ campaign.
What began as a page to share pictures has evolved into a movement pushing for women’s rights that continues to gain traction. Ms Alinejad's Facebook has amassed almost one million followers since it was launched less than two years ago. On it, women share images and the stories behind their moments of ‘stealthy freedom’ where they dare to uncover their heads in Iran.
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