Freitag, 5. Februar 2016

Finally, women without veils in Iran

عکسی که این روزها در خبرگزاری تسنیم و همشهری و رسانه های داخل ایران منتشر می شود زنان با حجاب و بدون حجاب را نشان می دهد در روزهای انقلاب، کنار هم شانه به شانه هم....عکسی که منتشر نمی شود سرانجام زنانِ بدونِ حجاب است...

On the right: Women of all walks of life participated in the Iranian revolution and it was by no means orchestrated to give a pre-dominance to Islamists. During the revolutionary marches, there were non-veiled women walking shoulder-to-shoulder with their veil...ed sisters.
On the left: However, when the revolution was hijacked, the new system went on a witch-hunt against non-veiled and badly-veiled women and they were excluded from the public sphere, being slapped with fines and imprisonment if they defied the Islamic dress code.