Montag, 27. Oktober 2014

135 Iranian jornalists : STOP LYING

In fact, whenever it comes to answering questions on human rights, he becomes evasive. But when it came to the point of jailing journalists, whether foreign or local, Rouhani chose to simply lie.
But this time, 135 Iranian journalists decided that enough was enough and issued an open letter to Rouhani stating, in nicer words, that he was lying.
This is in tune with the regime’s attitude towards human rights: as far as most Iranian leaders in the regime are concerned, specially the human rights chief Javad Larijani, there is no problem of human rights in Iran.
What they find hard to understand is that if they are evasive and lie about human  rights, it makes it harder for the world to believe them on other issues as well and in the nuclear issue in particular.

Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2014

All my body was burning and I was crying out in agony!

جانِ زنی دارد می سوزد و شما نگران دیده شدن تن او هستید؟!
«تمام تنم می‌سوخت و از درد فریاد می‌زدم، فقط تنها کاری که کردم این بود که لباس‌هایم را از تنم خارج کنم، اما مردمی که دورم جمع شده بودند به‌جای اینکه رویم آب بریزند می‌گفتند چرا لخت شده‌ای؟ لباس‌هایت را تنت کن.»
سهیلای ۲۷ ساله این سخنان را با صورتی باند پیچی شده به خبرنگار می گوید.
او بینایی یکی از چشم هایش را از دست داده و یک چشم دیگرش فقط بیست درصد بینایی دارد......

All my body was burning and I was crying out in agony. All I could do was to take off my clothes, but the people who circled around me, instead of pouring some water over my body, kept telling me why you have unclothed, put on your clothes." 27-year-old Soheila was recounting what happened to her, while all her face was bandaged and she could barely speak. Her left eye will have only 20% of its vision, provided that the eye does not fester and the surgery goes well. Her right eye has gone completely blind and can not be restored.

Sonntag, 19. Oktober 2014

Iranian women need your help against acid spraying

Calling on the world: Iranian women need your help against acid spraying. It's not just the women in Kobani that need support against the ISIS militants.
In the city of Isfahan, in Iran, 14 women have been sprayed with acid in past 10 days.
At least 5 Friday prayer leaders had warned against the improper hijab and one called for "blood to be spilled" to enforce hijab rules.

We Iranian have to ...stand and help ourselves and each other.

ما ايرانيان بايد كنار هم بيايستيم و به هم كمك كنيم. از جهان هم بخواهيم كه صداي زنان ايراني باشند در كمتر از يك ماه رسانه هاي داخلي نوشته اند كه ١٤ زن قرباني اسيدپاشي شدند. وقتي امام جمعه اي مي گويد براي برخورد بدحجابي بايد خون داد، تا كميته حقيقت ياب تشكيل نشود زنان
امنيت نخواهند داشت چون برخي از رسانه هاي داخلي اسيد پاشي را غير مرتبط با موضوع حجاب نمي دانند اما با تشكيل كميته حقيقت ياب حقايق نيز روشن خواهد شد...

Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2014

Kobani women

Kobani women, we stand with you. You stood for freedom and now you stand for your homeland.
We salute you.