Dienstag, 21. Februar 2017

گزارش سالانه آمریکا:‌ 'ادامه نقض حقوق بشر' در ایران

دولت آمریکا گزارش سالانه خود از اوضاع حقوق بشر در سراسر جهان از جمله ایران را منتشر کرده است.
گزارش وزارت امور خارجه آمریکا جمهوری اسلامی ایران را در کنار حکومت‌های نظیر کره شمالی، کوبا، تاجیکستان و چین یک حکومت استبدادی توصیف می کند که به طور گسترده حقوق بشر و آزادی‌های اساسی مردم را نقض می‌کند.
بنا بر این گزارش، در سال میلادی گذشته اعدام‌های «خودسرانه» در ایران ادامه داشته و حداقل ۹۶۴ نفر در این کشور اعدام شده‌اند که ۳۳ مورد آن در ملا عام بوده است.


Dienstag, 24. Januar 2017

Correlation to eliminate coercion.

As you might remember, several months ago, the security forces announced the formation of a new unit of undercover agents composed of approximately 7000 members to better impose the compulsory veil law in Iran. Given the increasingly reb...ellious stance of millions of Iranian women against the compulsory veil,

Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2017

People reportedly gathered in front of Evin Prison

امروز تجمع در مقابل زندان اوین در حمایت از آرش صادقی و گلرخ ایرایی که به خاطر یک داتسان کوتاه منتشر نشده در مورد سنگسار زندانی شد. این تجمع در حمایت از سایر زندانیان سیاسی به صورت آرام برگزار شد

People reportedly gathered in front of Evin Prison this morning Tehran time in support of Arash Sadeghi and his wife Golrokh Iraei. Arash has been imprisoned due to his activities as a civil right activist. Golrokh, on the other hand, was arrested because of an unpublished novel criti...cal of stoning. Arash has been on a hunger strike to get his wife released

Sonntag, 17. Juli 2016

We are on Focus (German magazine)

زن سانسور شدنی نیست. مجله فوکوس آلمان و گزارشی از یک میلیون نفره شدن صفحه آزادی های یواشکی؛ زنانی که نمی خواهند آزادی شان یواشکی و پنهانی باقی بماند. زنان ایرانی که شجاعانه به قوانین شرم آور اعتراض می کنند.

We are on Focus (German magazine). Women cannot be censored 

Our Facebook page has already exceeded 1 million followers. Let’s take a moment and reflect on the differences that our page has made in the world’s perception of Iranian women. One of them is the following: during the initial stages of our campaign, every time I was invited for interview by foreign news outlets covering Iran, I would be confronted with pictures of burqa-clad women (as in Saudi Arabia) that were purportedly depicting Iran. I often had to counter their erroneous depiction of Iranian women by reminding them what they thought was the Iranian way of dressing was actually not Iranian. 

Let’s also be reminded once again that this page is not promoting the prohibition of the veil; I have never asked Iranian women to take a stand against the veil. I, as a journalist, have merely attempted to show the true face of Iranian women and their opposition to COMPULSORY veil. In today’s Iran, behind closed doors, away from the prying eyes of the Morality Police, or even sometimes in public, millions of women ditch their compulsory veil to dress in a way that is more representative of their true selves. We have tried relaying the voices of these millions of women to the entire world; the voices that have been censored by their own government, but are now attracting the attention of foreign media outlets. Whether we wear a hijab or not, we are all Iranian and we should enjoy our freedom of choice rather than suffer from repression for our choices

Montag, 9. Mai 2016

British Iranian mother of 1 year old detained by Revolutionary Guard

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, 37 year old charity worker, was on holiday visiting her family in Iran. She was at the airport returning to the UK on the 3rd April when she was detained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. She has been transferred to an unknown location in Kerman Province, 1,000 kilometres south of Tehran, and is being held in solitary confinement.

Gabriella Ratcliffe, her 22 month old daughter (who only has British citizenship) has had her British passport confiscated, and is stranded in Iran with her grandparents. ...............

Samstag, 26. März 2016

Die Menschheit im Christentum

«پاپ فرانسیس» پای مهاجران مسلمان را شستشو داد و بوسید

«ما فرهنگ‌ها و ادیان مختلفی داریم است، اما با هم برادریم و می‌خواهیم در صلح زندگی کنیم.»
پاپ فرانسیس روز پنج‌شنبه در مراسم عید پاک، بعد از شستشو و بوسیدن پای مهاجران مسلمان، هندو و مسیحی به آنان گفت: همه از فرزندان یک پروردگاریم.

شما درباره‌ی این اقدام پاپ چه فکر می‌کنید؟

Sie über diese Aktion Pop, was denken Sie?

Sonntag, 7. Februar 2016

Bahareh Hedayat

"In our dreams, no barbed wire and no iron fence will ever keep students from entering universities."
Bahareh Hedayat, 33, is a leading students' and women's rights activist in Iran. In 2010 she was sentenced to nine years in prison for her peaceful activism. In 2015, after an appeals court ordered her release, she was sentenced to two more years. Bahareh Hedayat won the 2012 Harald Edelstam Defence of Human Rights Award.

After 1979 Revolution in Iran

زنان با حجاب و بدون حجاب شانه به شانه مردان انقلاب کردند ولی بعد از انقلاب وادار به پوشش حجاب اجباری شدند، از آواز خواندن ممنوع شدند، از شرکت در برخی مسابقات ورزشی بین المللی محروم شدند، دختر و پسر در مدرسه ها از هم جدا شدند....اینها ساده ترین حقوق شهروندی یک انستان است که از او گرفته می شود و بعد هر زمان که حرفش را می زنیم می گویند یعنی حالا همه مشکلات حل شد مانده همین حجاب و استادیوم و ورزش و آواز و ....
After 1979 Revolution in Iran, boys and girls were segregated, Women were forced to wear hijab and also women were banned from singing solo,Women are excluded from certain international sports event but in these photo you can see all we lost.

UN: Iran must amend marriage laws and execution girls

سازمان ملل: ایران باید قوانین ازدواج و اعدام دختران را اصلاح کند.